Consulting Services
Help to solve complex business issues related to Business Formulation, Process Improvement & Automation, Finance Decision Support and so on.
Tax and Legal/ Regulatory Services
Compliance related requirements and strategies to optimize the Tax in the area of Corporate Tax, VAT, Transfer Pricing, Merger & Acquisition and so on
Merger & Acquisition
Help to get the best from M&A investment by providing Valuation, Financial Due Diligence, Financial Review Services & so on.
Outsourcing Services
Cost effective, on time & quality offsite services for attaining Organizational Goals by providing Virtual CFO Service, Bookkeeping Services, Bill Processing & Payment Services, Payroll & Employee Benefit Fund Management Services, MIS Generation Services, Performance Evaluation Services, Tax, VAT & other Regulatory Compliance Services and so on
Recruitment & Workforce Solutions
We recruit appropriate & competent employees for our clients. We also provide Staffing, Workforce Solutions and related services to client organizations and help them to save their money
Capacity Development & Executive Training
Upskilling the human resources of an organization to cope with globalization & the ever-changing competitive business environment.
Business Setup Services
Specially designed to provide smooth & hassle-free Business Documentation & Certification Services viz Trade License, ETIN & EVAT Registration, IRC & ERC, Company or Firm Registration with RJSC and so on.
Accounting Research
An initiative to address the real-life accounting related complexities & issues through continuous research works.
Consulting services-small

Consulting Services

Help to solve complex business issues related to Business Formulation, Process Improvment & Automation, Finance Decision Support and so on.


Tax and Legal/ Regulatory Services

Compliance related requirements and strategies to optimize the Tax in the area of Corporate Tax, VAT, Transfer Pricing, Merger & Acquisition and so on


Audit and Assurance Services

High quality Audit and Assurance services which includes statutory audit, internal audit, management audit, special purpose audit, compliance audit etc. following the professional and regulatory guidelines with highest level of ethical standard

Outsourcing Services

Cost effective, on time & quality offsite services for attaining Organizational Goals by providing Virtual CFO Service, Bookkeeping Services, Bill Processing & Payment Services, Payroll & Employee Benefit Fund Management Services, MIS Generation Services, Performance Evaluation Services, Tax, VAT & other Regulatory Compliance Services and so on.


Recruitment & Workforce Solutions​

We recruit appropriate & competent employees for our clients. We also provide Staffing, Workforce Solutions and related services to client organizations and help them to save their money.

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Capacity Development & Executive Training

Upskilling the human resources of an organization to cope with globalization & the ever changing competitive business environment.

Merger & Acquisitions

Merger & Acquisition

Help to get the best from M&A investment by providing Valuation, Financial Due Deligence, Financial Review Services & so on.

start up

Business Setup Services

Specially designed to provide smooth & hassle-free Business Documentation & Certification Services viz Trade License, ETIN & EVAT Registration, IRC & ERC, Company or Firm Registration with RJSC and so on.